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Noxolo and Josh | A Year in Love – Cape Town
I need to preface this blog to say that I’m quite literally doing a happy dance out of sheer excitement and joy over these photos! EEEEEEK!!!!
As it turned out, I happened to be visiting Cape Town around the same time as Noxolo and Josh were celebrating their one year anniversary. So, of course, we got them all dressed up, headed to the beach, and spent some time photographing their insane chemistry. These two are the real deal and you’ll see exactly what I mean when you look through these photos.
Noxolo and Josh, how wonderful it was to photograph the pair of you. Your deep devotion for one another is one of the most beautiful things I have witnessed and my heart is filled with love and gratitude for you both. With your shared ambition, drive, and support of one another, I cannot wait to see what the future holds for the Gqadas.
Noxolo and Josh
I asked Noxolo and Josh a few questions about their love story, and here’s what they had to say:
How would you describe your first year of marriage?
Our first year was unexpected magic. We had a few unexpected life changes: moved to a new city, both had new jobs … but man, did we find that more than ever we had so much love and support for each other. You hear so many scary things about the 1st year, and by God’s grace, He just drew us towards Himself and each other.
What do you love to do together?
We very much find joy in the simple things. Movies, walks, trying out a new U-COOK box, hanging out at home.
What do you love and appreciate most about each other?
What we appreciate most about our relationship is our mutual respect. We dated for 7 years, and during that time we learnt to respect our differences; strengths and weaknesses. As seasons change I think you learn to appreciate different things about your relationship and about your spouse. Today, in our current season, we appreciate most that our love has grown to be honest, whilst remaining gentle and kind.
How did the two of you meet?
Our roads crossed during med-school. There was some benefit to 6 years of lectures! But besides the easy access i.e living in the same res for the first few years and being in the same class. It always blew me away that a girl from Alberton (JHB) had to travel to Cape Town to meet a guy from Pretoria. Josh and I had a mutual friend, he copied my study notes and somewhere along the way, after 2 years of friendship, we stopped talking about the lectures.
Is there anything you have learnt from Noxolo other that will always stick with you?
Josh: As Nox and I have and continue to navigate life together; I have learnt to embrace that no man is an island.
Is there anything you have learnt from Josh other that will always stick with you?
Josh has taught me it’s ok to see life as “grey”: some things or people or opinions aren’t always black and white. He has taught me to realise some things are higher than my ways, and to enjoy those complexities of life.
A grateful shoutout to the team who were a part of pulling this session off:
Wedding Dress: Forever Bridal Boutique
Make-up: Kristin Swan
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